Thomas Hellin

Front-end Developer

Just coding to craft a better digital world.

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past & present experience

  • Front-end Developer

    june 2022 - current

    Mediakod, Belgium

    After three year without being fully in the development world, I decided to go back to Mediakod which I knew had totally reinvent itself by changing its values. Nowadays the company prioritizes performance, accessibility and ecology by building light websites. I had to learn a lot of new stacks to make a place for myself in the company, mostly JS frameworks : ViteJS, NextJS, AstroJS, ... But I also had to understand how the web impacts our world and how to limit this impact as much as possible. Not much more to say beside I have a lot of fun working with this team because we stick together to face all the challenges we encounter.

  • Digital Tools Manager

    2019 - 2022

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Belgium

    When I arrived in the company, my job was to rethink almost everything that had to do with the digital aspect : newsletters, website, CRM, ... I started by the most urgent : the website. It was built using an old obscure homemade PHP framework that had serious security issue. Needless to say, it wasn't responsive and the guy who developed it didn't care that much about performance. Based on my previous experience, I knew that WordPress was exactly what the company needed to communicate with its customers so I made a custom theme using absolutely no CSS framework. This website is still, to this day, the project I am the most proud of because of all the challenges I had to face (team with no web experience and a lot of features to develop from scratch). By the time I left the company, the website traffic had increased by 40%.

  • Full-stack Developer

    2017 - 2018

    Mediakod, Belgium

    For my first job at Mediakod, I had a more "generic" role as the company had not the same values as it has nowadays. During the year I worked there, I was employed as a PHP WordPress Developer and integrator. I was developing custom WordPress themes from scratch (using all the cool features WordPress offers), managing existing websites maintenance and integrating designs we were receiving from our UI designer at the time. After a little more than a year, the company changed its approach of web development and I eventually ended up not fitting the team. At this time, I wanted to try something new and we decided it was best for me to find a new challenge.